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Whole Home Battery Backup Cost: Comprehensive Guide 2024 with Battery Brand Price List

May. 2024

In today's world, having a reliable energy source is not just a convenience but a must. Whole-house battery backup systems act as guardians for our homes, ensuring continuity during outages. Picture a storm outside causing power disruptions, yet your home remains illuminated, connected to the internet, and the fridge running smoothly. Thanks to your home battery system, life carries on seamlessly amidst any interruptions.

This scenario is not just a theory; it's a reality for numerous individuals who have adopted whole-house battery backup systems. These solutions not only protect against power outages but also play a role in advancing sustainability, reshaping our approach to home electricity usage.


Factors That Affect the Cost of a Whole House Battery Backup System


Battery size

The battery's storage capacity significantly impacts the cost of a complete home backup system. Larger systems cost more but store more electricity for longer outages. Increasing battery size reduces the cost per unit of stored electricity, making larger systems more cost-effective for extended backup power. This reduces reliance on traditional generators.

Choosing the right battery size depends on your energy consumption, appliance needs during blackouts, and desired outage readiness. A typical USA household uses 886 kWh monthly (around 30 kWh daily), suggesting a 30-kWh backup system for one day of normal power during an outage.

To reduce battery storage needs during blackouts, minimize energy use by:

Limiting fridge and freezer openings.

Reducing air conditioning and heating usage.

Opting for LED lights and flashlights over regular bulbs for lower electricity consumption.

Battery cost by brand 2024

Solar battery prices differ significantly between brands due to varying sizes. The table below is a list of the cost of the battery brand and product model.

Battery Company/Product Model

Price Per K Wh*

Typical Battery Size**

Cost before The Federal Tax Credit and Installation

Enphase Energy IQ Battery 5P


5 kWh


Tesla Power-wall


13.5 kWh


FranklinWH aPower FHP


13.6 kWh


EG4 lifePower4


5.12 kWh




15 kWh




9.6 kWh




10 kWh


LG Energy Solution RESU FLEX 8.6 battery storage


8.6 kWh


Pytes Energy-V5°


5.2 kwh


Whole Home Battery Backup Cost

Battery Lifespan and Warranty

The majority of whole-home backup LFP batteries boast a lifespan exceeding 10 years and can endure up to 6000 cycles. Consequently, many battery storage brands offer a standard 10-year warranty for their products. Nevertheless, certain models may come with only a 5-year warranty, requiring customers to pay additional fees for an extension.

Power output capacity

Batteries store electricity in a specific form called DC (direct current). To utilize this power in your home, you'll need an inverter to convert this stored energy into AC (alternating current) electricity, which is what household appliances use.

When talking about batteries, there are two crucial concepts to understand: storage capacity and power output capacity. Storage capacity refers to the maximum amount of energy your battery can hold at any given time, typically measured in watt-hours (Wh) or kilowatt hours (kWh). On the other hand, power output capacity denotes the maximum electricity that your battery backup system can provide at once, usually measured in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW).

To figure out which appliances your battery backup system can power simultaneously, you need to consider the wattage requirements of each device. Appliances have both running wattage (the consistent power needed to operate) and starting wattage (additional power required when first turned on). It's important to account for this starting power surge to avoid overloading your system.

Here's a simple step-by-step guide to determine your power output needs:

Identify the wattage requirements of your appliances by checking their labels or manuals.

Convert volts or amps to watts using the formula: Volts (V) x Amps (A) = Watts (W).

Add up the running watts of all the appliances you plan to use to see if it exceeds your generator's capacity.

Consider the starting watt requirements of appliances and add the highest starting wattage to your running wattage total.

This final number represents the total starting watts you require from your generator. Be cautious not to surpass your generator's starting watts rating to prevent overload.

Also, you can use the watts calculator on line

This simple calculator allows you to estimate the kWh usage of your electricity based on the appliances you plan to power.

Whole Home Battery Backup Cost

Inverter Quality

The inverter plays a significant role in converting battery DC power to AC power for home use and greatly impacts the overall cost. Prices for inverters vary, starting at $1,200 for basic models and going up to over $3,000 for premium units with advanced capabilities.

Installation fees for whole home battery back up

The cost of installing a home battery system can vary based on factors such as labor costs, permitting requirements, and the complexity of the installation. Some brand distributors will sell the products to you including the installation and warranty.

Generating Electricity During a Blackout

Ensuring your entire home battery backup system has enough power is simple when the grid is working. You can use grid electricity to keep your system fully charged, ensuring your batteries are ready when there's a power outage.

However, if the grid is down for an extended period, you can't rely on it for recharging. For more energy security, it's a good idea to choose a solution with various charging options, like solar power system with battery.

Battery Chemistry and Efficiency

The most affordable type of backup battery chemistry is lead acid, which has been around for over 150 years and is commonly used in devices like TV remotes, flashlights, and older cars.

While lead acid batteries can do the job, they don't last long. They usually last for only a few hundred cycles, unlike newer technologies such as lithium iron phosphate (LFP/LiFePO4), which can endure thousands of cycles without losing efficiency.

In recent years, lithium ion and LFP batteries have become much cheaper as they've become standard for solar generators, electric vehicles (EVs), and whole-home battery backup systems.

For instance, the latest lithium iron phosphate batteries in products like Pytes V5° and Pytes E-BOX 48100R can last more than 6000 cycles, which equals over a decade of typical use.

In the long run, investing in modern battery technology like LFP will save you money. Nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cad) batteries are a better choice than lead acid, but they still don't match up to the performance of LFP batteries.


Lead acid battery setups need regular upkeep, like topping up with distilled water every 2 to 4 weeks. Plus, they shouldn't be discharged below 50% to avoid lasting harm. These batteries must be kept in well-ventilated spots and may not work well in extreme temperatures.

On the other hand, lithium iron phosphate batteries don't need frequent maintenance, can be deeply discharged safely, and work in broader temperature ranges. Currently, most solar battery storage manufacturer will choose to produce the lithium iron phosphate batteries.

Advantages of Lithium Batteries

High Energy Density: Lithium batteries can store a lot of energy in a small, light design, perfect for portable devices where size and weight matter.

Long Cycle Life: Lithium batteries last longer through many charge-discharge cycles, staying durable and maintaining capacity.

Quick Charging: These batteries support fast charging, ideal for today's fast-paced world where quick power top-ups are essential for electronic devices.

Low Self-Discharge Rate: Lithium batteries lose very little energy when not in use, making them great for devices that may sit idle for long periods without needing constant recharging.


Whole Home Battery Backup Cost


Final Thoughts

If you have a solar setup at home, having a battery backup is crucial. It stores extra energy from your solar panels for later use, like during nighttime or if the power goes out.

These backups keep you independent from the grid and utility companies, safeguarding you from blackouts, price hikes, and environmental harm. They empower you to control your energy production and reduce your reliance on traditional utilities.

When seeking a dependable and environmentally friendly home energy option, think about Pytes. With two decades of battery manufacturing expertise, we offer electric car-level battery storage that holds UL9540 certification. Our range includes the Whole Home Backup Power Solution, which is compatible with inverters present in 99% of the market.

With our reliable power solutions, you can enjoy uninterrupted energy at home. Explore our range of products to discover the best fit for your energy needs and achieve energy independence with Pytes's support.

